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Car Insurance in VA in Keeping You and Your Family Safe

Car Insurance in VA is a definite necessity for anyone who owns a vehicle. Car insurance, by definition, is automobile insurance; an insurance that covers against loss due to theft or traffic accidents. Not having proper insurance will get you into a lot of trouble, a lot more trouble then you would be in for a normal crash with insurance. Having insurance will also lower your costs of repairs, which is always a plus, since some crashes completely ruin cars and would cost thousands of dollars for repairs.

Car Insurance in VA has certain requirements. To purchase license tags or decals for your car, you must verify that the vehicle has at least a minimum insurance requirement, or you will have to pay the driving while uninsured fee. Insurance requirements are not just needed for newer cars; they are also needed for classic vehicles. The insurance you choose must have a dealer with a license to be an insurance agency in the state of Virginia.

The minimum car insurance in Virginia require a bodily injury death of a person of 25 thousand dollars, bodily injury death of more than two people of 50 thousand dollars, and property damage of 20 thousand dollars. However, if you choose to pay the five hundred dollar uninsured motor vehicle fee, you do not receive any insurance and will drive while putting yourself at risk. This only allows you to drive your vehicle legally. As for self insurance and surety bonds, these are special insurance plans that are for business owners who operate motor vehicles for their place of business. If you need more information about this, you will need to visit the DMV office for more information and details.

The penalty for those who do not have car insurance nor have covered the uninsured penalty fee can have their driver’s license suspended.  They must also pay a five hundred dollar statutory fee, file a financial insurance responsibility certificate with the DMV for a period of years, and also pay a fee to have their license reinstated.

The DMV in Virginia closely watches insurance coverage through the IVP. Insurance providers automatically inform the DMV with electronic updates of insured information and vehicle description when they either cancel or add and write new coverage for their vehicles in Virginia.

As you can see, having car insurance in the state of Virginia is definitely an important factor in your every day driving life. You do not want to have to pay the extra fees that go along with driving without insurance. If you are absolutely against having car insurance, at least pay the five hundred dollar uninsured motor vehicle fee so you can drive legally.  Just remember that if you are ever in an accident and you are at fault then you are responsible for paying all costs and damages yourself.  This could be detrimental to you and your family, so think on it hard before choosing to opt out on car insurance in VA.   Enter your zip code above to find out if comparison quotes can save you money.