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What You Need To Do To Save On Auto Insurance In Virginia

If you give ample consideration to the auto insurance laws in Virginia, you would be able to deduce the fact that driving in this state is no less a hassle. There are a plethora of regulations that you need to abide by with regards to getting insured, incurring no cost at all is impossible. This in turn means that you would now on have to deal with monthly premiums and other related costs.

Although this particular mindset is somewhat right, you cannot consider it as being ideal. The major problem that has come to be seen lately is that the only deciding factor that people take in to consideration is that of their price of their policy. Although this particular factor matters a great deal, it is not the only important aspect to be inspected while judging the policy. This lack of information results in people paying more than they have to; resulting in wastage of resources.

Now, there are certain guidelines that you can actually follow to be able to save quite a bit of money over your car insurance policy. To be honest, following these particular guidelines is going to make it easier for you to save hundreds of dollars over your auto insurance policy. So, if the hard earned currency holds value to you, then you would adhere to the following:

1. Price is not the only factor- if you think that a company should be chosen for the simple reason that it is offering low rates then you seriously need to think again. Don’t trust any other company right away for the simple reason that it is offering low quotes.  Make sure that the company and the agent are licensed by the Virginia insurance department. Considering the probabilities of insurance frauds, a non-licensed company might be useless when you need it. The next features that you need to take into consideration regarding the company are its financial position and stability as well as the level of its customer service. If the company is not financially stable then there are chances that it might liquidate in the future or it might lack sufficient funds to pay off any claim against you, when you require them. There might be some who would fulfill the above criteria, but their customer service will be incapable to deal with your problems and claims on time. A delay can cause problems with the court where the claim is filed. You can easily attain all this information from the website of the Virginia insurance department, rather searching extensively throughout the internet.

2. Never ever purchase unnecessary coverage- the fact is that there are there are particular coverage’s that you are bound to acquire as per Virginia auto insurance laws like auto liability insurance. This is to protect the rights of the other person in the accident; caused by your negligence. In addition to this there are numerous other coverage’s that are at the option of the insured. If you think about being safe than sorry, the premium cost would be extremely high, leaving you with nothing. It is better to ponder on the options available and rule out those which are applicable in situations which are least likely to occur. For example if your car is old and already has a low market value, then it does not seem smart to spend a high amount of premium on comprehensive or collision coverage’s. While on the other hand, if you have purchased the vehicle on installments, the the seller might require you to attain collision coverage, before making the deal.

3. Higher deductibles – make sure that you consider them- a majority of people these days tend to shy away from having to pay high deductibles. Their general priority is to get their hands on policies that provide low deductible. This approach is completely layman to be honest. It might sound logical to some that since they are getting an insurance policy in VA it is better that they do not have to pay a single penny out of their own pocket, and the insurance should pay for any damages and repair in case an accident occurs. This is not possible, since in every policy there is a deductible clause. This mentions the cost the insured would have to bear by his own if circumstances occur wherein claim will be initiated. Since, the insured has to pay some amount out of his pocket; they choose the next best thing that is to go for the least value of deductibles.  This in turn reflects in a higher amount of premium and greater amount of payments to be made until the insurance can be used. It is better to select a policy with higher deductible to the extent that you consider affordable for you.

4. Make sure that you acquire detailed information about the discounts that you might qualify for – there are certain companies out there that actually offer discounts over the premium amount. However, not every other company is going to follow the same rule with regards to the eligibility to individuals that qualify for a discount. These mostly include circumstance that reflects upon the company that the chances of a claim by the person are quite less. This might be because the person has got special certificates of defensive driving; signifying you an advanced level of driving; or because of an age factor. It is better to consult your agent on such criteria and your eligibility.

6. Carry out a comparison over the quotes that you acquire from various VA car insurance companies rather than getting a quote from a single company and spending all your time pondering and researching on it; it is better to attain quotes from different companies and compare them among each other to make best possible choices.

If you wish to acquire auto insurance quotes in VA and get in touch with them, there is nothing for you to worry about as you can now just type your ZIP code in the above box and get all the information in a mere 3 minutes. Compare all you want with no cost and reliable information!

Know The Importats Points About Virginia Auto Insurance Laws

Virginia traffic laws are pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Once you learn them it will mean a lot in keeping your premiums low. The lines that follow give an overview on some of the basic traffic laws and their correlation to the car insurance premiums.

Traffic and insurance laws in Virginia are pretty straightforward to follow and easy to learn, once you get to know them. The better you understand them the more you can follow them and avoid getting tickets as well as participating in accidents. The less traffic tickets and car accidents the better your driver’s record and the better your driver’s records the cheaper your auto insurance premiums. If you are low income earner or you simply value your hard earned dollars you will value that a lot and will learn those laws. Here follow the basic traffic and driving laws and their correlation with the car insurance in Virginia.

DUI Laws

Driving under the influence in Virginia is not easily taken and the consequences, like in most states, can be pretty harsh. Anyone who has blood alcohol level over 0.08% can be charged with driving under the influence. Anyone that refuses to be submitted to a test risks suspension of his driver’s license for a period from seven days to one year. In addition to the alcohol test the officer can give you a test for illegal narcotic or any combination of drugs that you might have in your body. Aside the penalties and the risk of imprisonment you will adversely affect your premiums. Your rates will grow up to a level that you won’t be able to afford to pay them or even if you can pay them it would be pretty hard to find an insurance company that will want to make you a policy. Therefore, if you want to find affordable policy simply forget about alcohol or other drugs when driving.

Cell phone laws

As in most states Virginia have implemented laws to limit the use of mobile phones while driving your vehicle. Drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from any use of their mobile devices while driving, while others can still use their mobile devices for calling but not for texting or emailing. Emailing and texting are considered as primary offense; meaning that you can be pulled over by an officer just because of that, regardless if you have not violated any other law. On the other hand if you are school bus driver the law says that you are prohibited to use your mobile device during the transportation of the children. This law is for the protection of the children that are transported with those buses. Even though that emailing and texting won’t raise your premiums as DUI in VA would it could still make a difference, just enough to make you not eligible for a small group of discounts which you would have the right to otherwise.

Other Virginia laws

Most of the drivers, when driving in some place new, are concerned about the speed limit. The highest speed limit is Virginia is 65 miles per hour, allowed when going through rural areas and on interstate highways. If you are driving in a business, school, or residential area you need to keep your speed no more than 25 miles per hour. While these are only some of the traffic laws, there are plenty of others that the state of Virginia obligates you to follow. These laws are important because they strongly affect your premiums and you can’t expect them to be low if you don’t follow them. For more information on the other traffic and car insurance laws in Virginia you need to contact the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. Their official web site is the perfect place to obtain any information related to those laws

In addition to all that was already so far you can do one more thing that will get you a step closer to affordable car insurance in VA. That is to get free quotes from multiple insurance companies. The easiest and the most efficient way to do that is to you enter your zip above on this page and see how much you can save.

Guide On How to Find Affordable Auto Insurance in Virginia

Auto insurance in Virginia is mandatory, required both by federal and state laws. Anyone driving without it risks being penalized by the authorities. The penalties and fines can be pretty severe and can cost you as much as an auto insurance policy costs. Therefore, forget about driving without it and buy one if you don’t want that to happen to you. The only thing that is in your hands is how much you will pay for the policy. If you follow this simple guide you will surely find cheap auto insurance in Virginia. All it takes a fraction of your free time and almost no effort.

Before you approach car insurer for a quote or even consider buying a policy, you need to be sure what you need. Beyond the minimal coverage, you will need to base your decision on how much coverage you need and how much you can afford, finding the perfect balance between your need and your finances. Your coverage should fit your particular circumstances, not some general plan that some insurer might try to sell you.

With that in mind you should start looking for quotes from as many insurers as possible. Nowadays, that is pretty easy; all you need is an internet connection and a PC. You go online, enter your zip and you can have your free quotes for comparison. That should give you a clear view on what’s offered and what to expect. It’s pretty fast, won’t take too much of your time and it’s completely free as well as non-obligatory.

Once you see what’s on the table you can search and see if there are other ways to reduce the offered premiums for maximum savings. Insurance companies offer various discounts to their policy holders. Today you can get a discount only because you are married or your credit score, two seemingly unrelated factors to car insurance. Both those things are seen as signs of stability and maturity, something that insurers reward with lower premiums. On the other hand if you are not married and your credit score is poor than your premiums will be pretty high compared to if you were married and with good credit rating.

The important thing is to make a list of the possible discounts and see for which you are eligible and for which you need to do something to obtain them. Aside the mentioned types of discounts the insurers offer discounts if you: pass defensive driving course, you have a good driving record, you pay your premiums in full, your car has safety features, etc. If you talk to an insurance agent he can give you a list of all the potential discounts that you could have.

Combine the offered discounts with the lowest quotes you find online and you will surely obtain the cheapest possible coverage. If you are interested you can instantly get the lowest car insurance quotes in Virginia. All you need to do is to enter your zip code above on this page and you can find Auto insurance in Virginia that suits you the most.

Various Types of Auto Insurance in Virginia

Auto insurance in Virginia covers a vast variety of circumstances to provide the driver with the mental peace. In addition to this, the auto insurance law of Virginia also compels a person to have insurance. Different requirements are set for different people. If you are liable to carry insurance, then it is better to be aware of the circumstances in which it will be effective; so that you can convert your legal obligation to a personal asset.

If you observe most of the policy coverage that are generally available these days, it is observed that there are six basic types of auto insurance coverage. There are planned on the basis of the most common types of road accidents. In addition to these, there might be some extraordinary circumstances in which you can get covered in your policy. It depends on you whether you choose minimum coverage or an extensive package. You can check whether you have gotten the right policy and rates by comparing it with the other auto insurance quotes in Virginia.

One needs to have the basic knowledge about the coverage so that they do not get “over-insured”. This might result in payment of higher premium; even though the probability of utilizing that clause of the policy in reality. Here are the general concepts reVArding the basic types of coverage of auto insurance in Virginia.

1. Liability coverage: every driver in Virginia is liable to get liability coverage of minimum 60,000 . This does not cover any damage done to you or your vehicle or any property under your name. If you ever have been in an accident in which you were found guilty of being at fault, then this covers the damage caused to the other person and his property. Most of the time, the minimum liability coverage is insufficient to completely compensate the other person’s damage. This provides the coverage whether you are driving your own car or somebody else’s car.

2. Property damage liability:  this is the extension to the liability coverage clause. This covers the damage done to the property of the third party in an automobile accident, in which you were found guilty of being responsible for it. The minimum state limit set by Virginia authorities for property damage is $25,000. You get insurance for a higher amount. A deductible might be a part of this. This protects you from any future damage that you might be sued for.

3. Comprehensive coverage: this covers different type’s circumstances that might result in your car getting damaged; other than normal circumstances in which the damage occurs due to collision with another car. These might include hurricanes to other natural disasters. This would also come into action if the vehicle gets stolen or have a collision with animals.

4. Collision coverage: the name is self-explanatory. This covers the damage incurred by you in collision with some other vehicle or stationary object. Some policies also provide coverage for damages after moving over some hole or turn upside down due to any reason. Their primary action is to pay for any repair cost incurred in bringing the vehicle in proper working condition. If the vehicle cannot be repaired, then the insurance providers provide the amount equal to the current value of your vehicle.

5. Gap insurance: it is observed that when a new car is bought it loses its value quickly. This insurance covers any damage incurred by the car during this period of rapid depreciation. This is also called lease insurance. This is important since the normal coverage only reimburses the amount equal to the current value of the car.

6. Rental insurance: this is a rare occurrence, since numerous policies would not cover you if you become a part of an accident while driving a rental car. Such policy covers clause relating to different types. This might provide personal as well as liability coverage. Although it does not cover provision of a rental vehicle when you car gets damaged.

7. Physical damage coverage: this includes comprehensive, collision and theft coverage. Virginia requires every person to carry a minimum amount of damage. This is effective when your car is under the process of repair but allows you to be prepared for future fatalities and auto issues, in general.

8. Uninsured driver coverage: if you get in an accident in which the other party is at fault but it does not have any insurance coverage to protect you; then covers the cost of any medical damage incurred by you or the people travelling with you.

9. Fire and theft coverage: In 2010, 68,220 stolen vehicles were reported in Virginia; with the value of $635,570,078. That is why it is smart to get theft and fire coverage in Virginia. The cause of fire might be varied, even if the fire occurred due to collision.

10. Bodily injury liability: If an accident caused by you results in any other person injured, then you can use this to compensate any damages that you might be sued for. This does not give any benefits to you or any other driver mentioned in your policy. This might include the injured person’s medical bill, rehabilitation and nay other therapies required. The minimum liability of Virginia authorities is $30,000.

11. Personal injury protection: It is also called medical payment insurance. It provides similar coverage like bodily injury liability. The main difference lies in the fact that it covers medical and health costs for you, in case of an accident. This can work in hand with your medical insurance. You might be lawfully liable to get this insurance. This is a great way to ensure extra protection.

Now that you have acquired the basic knowledge about the different types of coverage at your expense, it is time to find out that are you smartly insured or are being taken advantage of by your insurance provider. Just add your ZIP code in the box above, and within 3 minutes you would get all the information from different policy providers with regards to their cost.

The Right Time to Talk to Your Virginia Auto Insurance Agent

As with the other states when you need new or you want to renew your old car coverage, you call or go to fully licensed Virginia auto insurance agent. In addition to that the insurance agent is someone who understands your auto insurance in full and who you need to talk when you have some question regarding that. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to call him every time day or night when you have some doubt. Here are few situations when it’s a good idea to call him so he can explain you what’s their company’s policy on those matters.

Before you buy a new car

The model, the type of the vehicle, its price and its safety features, all that can significantly affect your premiums. However, generally speaking the cost of the vehicle if what makes the biggest impact on your car insurance premiums. The more expensive your vehicle will be the higher your premiums. Exactly how high only your insurance agent knows because every insurance company calculates that differently.

Before you borrow your car to a friend or family

If you borrow your car to a friend you know that in case of an accident your premium can get hurt as well. Therefore talk first to your insurance agent if you often borrow your car to your friends.

Before you add your spouse or child to your policy

First of all when you are married you qualify for discount. Companies see that as positive sign and as a result of that they reward married people with lower premiums. Adding your spouse on your policy can earn you additional discount only if he or she has a good driver’s record, otherwise it can raise your premiums. Talk to your insurance agent and ask him what he thinks regarding that matter. Adding your teenage son or daughter to your policy won’t bring you any discount, but it will surely raise it. Teenage drivers are considered one of the riskiest groups and pay the highest premiums.

Before moving in another neighborhood

The area where you live strongly affects your premiums. If you live in an area with high crime rate you get to pay higher premiums. You can have the perfect driver’s record but if you live in such area plus you park your car on the street there is no escape from high premiums.

Before renewing your car policy

This is probably the best time to call your agent unless he calls you first. At this point you need to ask him to give you a quote. You need also to mention him that you will look for other quotes as well. That should shake him a bit and motivate him to give you a better, lower quote. Regardless of that it’s always a good idea if you get quotes from other insurance companies as well. The best and the fastest ways to do so is if you enter your zip above on this page and compare free quotes for top savings. This is the fastest way to find cheap auto insurance in Virginia.

List of Car Insurance Discounts in Virginia

Buying cheap auto insurance in Virginia can be easy as a walk in the park or impossible task if you don’t know how to obtain it. In order to get the cheapest possible one needs to know the discounts that are offered by insurance companies. Here follow list of discounts available to Virginia drivers. Use what you learn here and you will definitely qualify for a discount. How big the discount will be depends on how much you will apply this knowledge that you will obtain by the lines that follow as well as from the insurance companies.

AutoInsuranceInVirginia–              Defensive driving discount

Drivers that are at age of 55 age and older that will pass the defensive driving course are eligible for a discount. If you are part of that age group you need to provide a certificate issued within three years approved by the department of motor vehicles.

–              Good driving discount

You can have this discount only if each of the drivers in your household have not had no at fault accidents or moving violations in the last three years.

–              Multiple automobile discount

You can get this discount only if you place all of your vehicles of your households with one insurance company.

–              Good student discount

In order to be eligible for this discount you need to be no more than 25 years of age, at high school or a full time student, and to have a grade point of 3.0 out of 4.0 or higher.

–              Passive restraint discount

Every vehicle equipped with a factory installed air bag or some other type of passive restraint which is made according the federal safety standards will receive discount on the premiums for income loss benefits and medical expense benefits.

–              Student away discount

Students that study in a place that is at least 100 miles away, who keep their vehicle at home and who drive it only while they are home for holiday or vacation are eligible for this discount.

–              Loyal customers discount

Almost every car insurance company in the state offers discounts for its loyal clients. If you keep a good driving record and you stick with one insurer for a longer period it’s highly likely that you will pay pretty low premiums on your car insurance.

–              Name your spouse as second driver

This will qualify you for a discount only if your spouse has a clean driving record. Otherwise you will do the opposite, your premiums will increase. Therefore first check if your spouse has a clean driving record.

–              Spend less time on the road

The fewer miles you do the higher the discount will be. You need to talk to your insurance agent about this and he will explain you how the system works with this type of discount.

Even so that the recommendations above can significantly reduce your premiums there is one more thing that can make even bigger difference. That is to get as many quotes as possible from as many auto insurance companies that operate in the state of Virginia. The fastest way is if you enter your zip above and get free quotes for comparison of auto insurance in Virginia.

Do’s and Don’ts Guide to Young Driver’s Virginia Car Insurance

Coverage of auto insurance in Virginia for young drivers is eye-watering. Almost by default young people under the age of 25 are destined to pay high premiums. However, there are ways to lower your premiums regardless the age. This guide can help you to do so. All you need to do is to stick to the Do’s and Don’ts recommendations that you will find in this article.

Do – try to add a second more experienced and responsible driver to your policy

This will surely decrease your premiums. For an example, if you add a 40-year old family member with clean driving record you add some “weight” to your policy which will be seen as a positive sign by the insurance companies and they will grant you a discount. Even if that family driver does not use the car so much you will have your premiums.

Do not – put someone else’s name first on your policy if it’s your car

Many young drivers put their parent’s as main drivers so they can cut insurance costs. However, that is called fronting and it’s illegal. If caught this can stain your driver’s record permanently and can even lead to prosecution, therefore do not do it.

Do – inform your insurer about some special circumstances and changes

You need to inform your insurer if something is change that affects your car policy, something such as you modified car or you expect to drive more than 7.500 miles a year. In case you forget to mention that to your insurer and you want to make a claim, even for an issue not related to that, your policy can become invalid. Even if you change your address you need to call your insurer and notify him about that. On the other hand canceling an insurance policy due to a fraudulent claim can be very difficult and very expensive. Not to mention that it will go into your driver’s record and will affect your premiums for the rest of your life.

Do not – pimp your vehicle

Your vehicle might look cool and sound great but it won’t do any good to your car insurance premiums. The more you modify your vehicle the higher your premiums will be. A modification is considered anything that is not part of the standard vehicle specification, even alloy wheels are considered as such.

Do – bring all of your insurance policies under one roof (company)

If you give all of your car policies or any other type of policy to one company you will make your insurance agent very happy. Insurance companies love that and will surely award you with great discount. The more business you bring them the bigger the discount.

Do not – be tempted to lie

When it comes to car insurance there is one simple and golden rule that says: “Tell them the truth and nothing but the truth”. Otherwise you risk prosecution and premiums as high as Mount Everest.

Do – Enter your zip above to compare free quotes and see how much you can save.

There is no better way to find affordable Virginia auto insurance.

All You Need to Know About Car Insurance in Virginia

Auto insurance in Virginia is pretty much the same as in most states. Regardless, the better you know it the better your chances to get low premiums. That and few tips how to get affordable car insurance are described in here.

The auto insurance laws in Virginia are pretty much the same as in any other state with few differences. As in other states the better you understand them and know, the better your chances to get lower premiums. How much you pay for your car insurance depends on several various factors that can be divided in two categories. One category is made of factors that you can’t influence in some way and other is of factors can be influenced by you and your choices. How you will use that it depends from you and your ability to adjust to those circumstances. Here follow few practical advices and explanation on how staff works and are done in the world of car insurance in Virginia.

Know car insurance in Virginia

Do you know what your auto insurance actually covers? Even so you buy a single policy covering one specific vehicle, a number of components add up and make the full cost. Every driver on the roads and highways in Virginia is required to have at least minimum coverage which is: Bodily injury/death of one person $25.000 or $50.000 for two or more persons. In addition to that the insurance policy needs to cover property damage up to $20.000.

What affects your car coverage the most?

Car insurance is affected by various factors from which some are based on your actions while others are fixed and there is nothing you can do about. For an example your age is something that you can’t change. If you are a teenage driver you will pay high premiums. Why? Well,  Not because you are a bad driver but because you are a teen driver and all teens are categorized as risky drivers, no place for exceptions. Or another good example is your marital status. Once again you might have the perfect driver’s record but if you are unmarried you will pay higher premiums as oppose of if you were married. The only thing that you can do is to get on your knees, propose to your girlfriend and hope that she will say yes for your car insurance sake if not for other reason. The factors that influence the car coverage premiums are: driver’s record, age, where you live, past traffic violations, credit rating, model and type of your vehicle, marital status, etc.

How to find affordable car insurance in Virginia?

You look for affordable auto insurance in Virginia as same as you do in any other state, you go online. Nowadays, you need an internet connection, PC or even smartphone, few minutes of your time and you can find the cheapest car insurance in the state. You can instantly get a great number of free quotes from plenty of car insurance companies. If you want you can do that right now, all you need to do is to enter your zip above on this page and you will find the most affordable auto insurance coverage in the state of Virginia. It’s fast, efficient and easy.

How To Avoid Overpaying On Your Virginia Auto Insurance

LowCostAutoInsuranceInVirginiaThe only way you can find out if you are overpaying your car insurance is if you know your rights and how the insurance companies work. This article can help you in both fields.

Virginia auto insurance, as in the other states is required by law and a necessity you have to pay in order to be able to drive legally on the roads and highways of this state. But at the same time it does not need to be something that you need to overpay, like is not expensive enough. Vast majority of the car owners are eager to find a way to save on their auto insurance, but either they don’t know how or they aren’t sure that they can get a better deal. Lowering your premiums is not that hard and can be easily achieved, all you need to do is to follow few recommendations and know your rights.

How to tell if you are overpaying on your auto insurance premiums?

Most of the people shopped around for auto insurance in Virginia before they purchased their first insurance coverage, after what they have a tendency to settle. They think that because they made such a great deal then, they have nothing to worry about and the good rates are to be expected in future by default. However, that is what most people expect which often is out of touch with the real situation. The truth is that rate change over time; companies change their fees, your circumstances change and a lot of other things that may affect your coverage. Therefore, if you haven’t seen what’s offered on the car insurance market you could be overpaying?  The best way to check that is if you arrange a meeting with your insurance agent and see what raises your premiums. The insurance agent has a legal obligation to tell you all he knows and what might affect your insurance premiums.

What to do in case you are overpaying?

First of all you need to understand whether you are overpaying because of your actions or behavior on the roads, or because your VA car insurance company raised its rates on a company level. The insurance agent can help you get a better and more concise picture on the matter. The best solution is to go and check other offers. Your insurance agent has no legal right to prevent you from doing so, all he can do is to tell your current situation and where you stand with your car insurance policy. Nowadays, all you need is some time, an internet connection and a computer to get free quotes for comparison. Once you see other quotes you will know what your next move should be.

How to get rid of your current coverage?

You can simply get a new one and cancel the old expensive coverage. The insurer is obligated by the state laws to refund you for the unused premiums.

If you are truly interested in checking whether you are overpaying your car insurance premiums enter your zip above and you will get free quotes from some of the cheapest insurers in Virginia. This is the safest, fastest and most effective way to make sure that you are not overpaying your auto insurance.

What You Need To Know About the Policyholder And The Insurer’s Rights in Virginia

The Virginia auto insurance laws are not as complex as one would think. They are there to protect any party from fraud and to make sure that contracts are respected and fulfilled. Both policy holders as well as insurer’s have certain rights but at the same time, have certain obligations as well. Here is a short overview on those rights and obligations given by the state of Virginia. Following them can bring from low premiums to sever fines and penalties.

– The first thing that you are obligated to do as a policyholder is to correctly fill your application form. Failing to do so and the insurance company have the right to revoke your policy and not pay you if you make a claim.

– In case your car coverage is canceled, the insurance company is obligated by law to send you a 15 day warning notice. That is if you fail to pay your premiums on time, otherwise the notice needs to be for 20 days.

– You are obligated to notify your insurer if some of your circumstances in your policy are changes such as you moved to a new address, you made some modifications on your car, etc. Failing to do so can cause the VA car insurance policy to be revoked.

– If you ask your insurer he needs to tell you about everything that affects your premiums, how they calculate your premiums, their discounts and any information about your coverage in general. You have the right to ask and they have the obligation to tell you everything they know.

– The insurance company is obligated by law to award you with a discount if you pass a defense driving course approved by the Virginia Motor Vehicles Commission.

– You are not obligated to tell your insurance agent about your old traffic violations and car accidents after a certain period. There is an act from 1974 that says that you can do so.

– No auto insurer that operates on the territory of Virginia can refuse selling you a car policy because of your ethnicity, gender or race.

– The policyholder has the right to change or cancel his policy at any given moment. Regardless your motivation to do so, you can do that only by providing proof of your new policy to your old insurer. The old insurer is obligated to refund you for your unused premium.

– The insurer is obligated to respond to your application or meeting request within five days.

– The policy holder has the right to ask if payments were made to other parties from his coverage. The insurer is obligated to respond to that and inform you correctly.

– The car owners in Virginia have the right to get free quotes for comparison. Even though that this is not regulated by any law but it does not mean that it should not be done. On the contrary, that is the best way to find affordable car insurance in Virginia.